Sunday, September 11, 2011

So Blessed

So there are many things today that didn't go as I had planned. 

Today at church I had nursery duty.  I got to hang out with the coolest/cutest little 2 year old.  I just love him to pieces.  Each time he sees me now he's super duper happy about it.  I love it!  I also got to hang out with a rocking little 8 month old.  What I hadn't planned on was that the 8 month old is now CRAWLING!!! Crazy!  She looks too little to be crawling, but she is.  Also, normally the 2-year-old is really good about putting away the toys he gets out.  Today he just couldn't focus.  He wasn't trying to be disobedient just too distracted by EVERYTHING.  But you know what, even still, I'm so blessed to be able to influence these little ones for Christ in small ways even just by caring for/playing with them.  Hopefully in the years to come they'll remember these days fondly. 

^That's our church :).  I love it so much!

After church we had planned to watch the Steelers game with our friends Andrew and Sky.  Only in Erie, they don't always broadcast the Steelers games.  So we ate some yummy mac and cheese and talked for quite a while.  Then we decided to play the board game WordThief.  My husband and I love this game, and Sky and Andrew also like it (I think, I hope).  So even though things didn't go as I expected, we still had a very nice afternoon. We are blessed to live so close to some of our great friends. 
That's Andrew and Sky.  We loff them.

Then I came home and washed some dishes (because I was lazy yesterday) and tried to sew some new items for the shop.  They will be available for purchase but more will just be an example of some custom items that I can do.  Only, I broke part of my machine.  The part that holds the spool of thread on came out and I can't get it to go back in.  I tried.  It's not working.  So I decided I would just give up for now.  Then I tried to play a video game and we failed pretty hard.  So realized that must not be what I was supposed to do at the time so I hand stitched the opening closed on a project.  That was nice to be able to do :).  But even still, I'm praising God that I have a sewing machine and don't have to sew everything by hand.  I've done some hand quilting before and trust me, it's way easier to use a machine to sew ;). 

I was going to take 21 week bump pictures today also but got a text from our friends we visited on Friday saying I forgot my camera there.  I only have a little point and shoot so it must have fallen out of my purse (someday I will learn to zipper my purse).  But you know what, praise God that I have a little point and shoot camera.  And praise God that we got to hang out with our good friends Carol and Bill the other day.  It was such a blessing to just be adults and to talk about the things of God with them. 

For tonight, I think I'm going to go make some brownies, because I'm pregnant and craving chocolate and haven't had any in a while. Ok it's been a week, but I can't remember what my midwife said I should eat when craving chocolate instead of chocolate, so brownies it is (with peanut butter).  

I got distracted from making the brownies though by thinking of how blessed I am just to have a personal relationship with Christ and to know that He cares about me so much.  Why wouldn't I want to share Him with others??? He has changed me so much over the years.  In little ways, in big ways, and all the in between ways, I'm not who I was and I refuse to go back to that person.  We are studying prophecy in our sermons at church lately and tonight's message was very good and I hope to get a recording of the one from this morning since it's just hard to pay attention to the message when you are watching little ones.  

Although this doesn't perfectly illustrate how Christ will return, I still appreciate the picture.

All that to say though that Jesus IS coming back.  It could be any day now. And as much as I would love to have our little one in our arms, if He came back tomorrow I would be THRILLED to go spend eternity with Him.  Although there are things that make me hope He doesn't come back tomorrow.  There are so many people that I love that don't know Him yet and that just frightens/makes me so sad.  It makes me realize I need to be praying for them more and more everyday.  I also know that if He came back tomorrow and I faced the judgement seat of Christ I would be very ashamed of myself that I have not served Him more.  There are too many times when I've been too selfish and wanting to entertain myself.  

I'm praying that over the next few months, Christ turns me into a better wife for my husband, a better homemaker.  I want our child to grow up in a nicely kept home.  Right now I'm so TERRIBLE at that.  I've never been very good at keeping things picked up.  That needs to change before our little one arrives.  I also need to make sure that I am trying to live for Christ every day.  Praying that I never miss an opportunity to share Him with others.  Praying that God will use me in any way possible to bring Him glory. 

I'm sorry that this was such a long post but there were just some things that I needed to write out today to hopefully encourage others but more as a reminder to myself of how I should be living my life.  

What are some of the ways Christ has blessed you lately???  Are you prepared if He returns soon?


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