Sunday, January 22, 2012

It came and went

Saturday came and went, with no baby.  La sigh.  Unfortunately, it also came with another gall bladder attack. . . at 3 in the morning.  And it was accompanied with nausea and Braxton Hicks contractions.  So unfortunately we didn't make it to church this morning because instead I was trying to catch up on some sleep since I had missed out on a few hours during the night.  Aaron stayed up with me during the first hour or so and I know that God has provided my wonderful husband for me on purpose.  He's so wonderful to me!  He comforts me like nothing else.

I also found that drinking water helped out a TON this time.  It was painful but not unbearable.  Unfortunately though I drank a TON of water (not kidding, I drank nearly half a gallon in 2 hours), which lead to me constantly in the bathroom.  I finally realized I could go to bed when I was falling asleep in the bathroom. I realized the pain was gone and it was ok to return to bed.  Praise God.

Although that was not very fun, Aaron and I had a very nice Saturday.  We visited his momma and sister Courtney because we needed to do some laundry and we just miss them.  So we did laundry throughout the day, watched some tv, played Settlers of Catan with Court (she loves it as much as we do), and Aaron and I had a great time of prayer and Bible study.  Oh and of course there was doggie and kitty snuggles in there.  =D

Today we spent some more time with Aaron's family before returning home.  They are so cute together. All three of them were snuggling on the bed together when Aaron woke up.  And of course some of the doggies had to join in the snuggles.  I wish I would have had my camera.  Too precious!  I'm thankful for the sleep I was able to get and the restful day today after a somewhat stressful night.  I was so afraid the GB attack would send me into labor.  Perhaps that's silly but I was a bit worried.  Thankfully it did not.  As much as I'd love to meet our little one, I'm glad our meeting wasn't the result of my attack.

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I wasn't home yesterday to mention this, but head on over to my friend Jana's blog to see her adorable little one Emily modeling the headbands I sent her! :) StumbleUpon

1 comment:

  1. Oh noes! Glad you're okay now. I hope baby decides to come soon!


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