Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Old Will Be Made New

One of the first few gifts we received from Zoe came from her Aunt Sally.  Aunt Sally gifted us with some of my mother-in-love's old clothing from when she was a baby.  This past weekend at church, I had Zoe in one dress, she decided to have an explosion, so I put her in the dress that was Grammie's.  Oh my goodness, so special.  I hope that someday I can go back to my parents and find some of my old clothing from when I was a baby for her to wear. How fun would that be?  I'm sorry for the picture overload but I just can't help it.  I love her and all of her silly little faces! So precious to me!

learning to investigate things. 

 ready to pounce =P

Now I know that this post is about the old dress being made new again because it's being used again, but Christ can do the same thing with us.  He can take the ugly, broken, messed up lives that we have lived and make them new.  I'm so thankful that everyday, Christ can make me a new creation.  I'm thankful that although I ate very poorly growing up, Christ is making me a new creation in that I can eat better now and lead a better example for my daughter.  Hey I no longer live on chicken strips and french fries, Praise God. Recently, I've discovered lettuce isn't entirely evil, and I can eat it, even if it doesn't taste good. 

I know I have a long way to go to be the mother God intends me to be and the wife that Christ can make me, but I thank Him for the changes He's already made in me.  I pray He will continue to make me new. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new


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