I love this family so much, but do to many difficulties, unfortunately my job will be ending in June. I found out yesterday. I cried, a lot. Mostly because I don't want to miss out on the fun things that I get to do with the girls, the cute things they say, they do, the way they act, singing "the Haitian song" with them in the car, "playing shapes" with the 2 year old, dancing to Ga Guys, etc. I will miss the fights over brushing hair, the snuggling up while watching movies, baking with the girls, the trip to Port Farms where we all had a fantastic day despite my losing my keys for a bit of time. Mostly I've loved teaching them about Jesus. The 2 year old will always remind me before lunch we need to "pay" (pray).
Aaron and I would appreciate prayer very much. Right now we are living solely on my income as he's student teaching. We're going to take a week to pray and see where God is leading us before rushing into anything. We're not sure where He wants us. I know He keeps putting orphans on my heart for a reason. LORD, please show me!
Job 1:21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
The Lord gave me this job, and He has also now taken it away. I'm just praying He would show us where He wants us. What He wants us to be doing. Lord, if you want me to step out of my comfort zone and move I will, just show me! I need your guidance everyday!
I've been PRAYING for you sweet friend :)